Loofah is a year round climbing plant with lovely yellow flowers. Its fruits are cylindrical, and when ripening the Interior transforms in a dense network of fibres in the shape of a mesh. It is the only known plant which is grown and can be used as a sponge. Loofahs were grown hundreds of years ago in order to introduce luxury when taking a bath in wealthy homes.
It is worth mentioning that Loofah is famous for its many beneficial properties: In the sponge bacteria do not develop, so they are more hygienic. In addition, this product is hypoallergic, stimulating blood circulation and helping in the prevention and fighting cellulite. This plant acts as a natural peeling (scale dead epidermis), smoothing the skin. Thanks to it, the use of Loofah sponge in daily care helps to absorb skin care preparations. The skin with the systematic application of loofah becomes delicate, fresh, healthy, gains flexibility and elasticity, which makes it soft to the touch. Thanks to the combination of gel and sponge in one preparation, you can take advantage of daily massage.